Know Yourself for a Better Life

Welcome to my very first blog post. As a start, let us talk about why we should know more about ourselves. These days, social media has become a thing that we can't separate from. It has become part of our life. Almost all of us will spend some time on social media every single day. As we spend more and more time dwelling on social media, it started to influence we a little by little.
If we don't know ourselves well enough, we would be easily influenced by social media contents. From social media (e.g. Facebook), there are tons and tons of posts every hour every day. We will be scrolling through post after post, video after video, from comedic short clips to documentary to motivational videos and/or articles. We pick up on so many information and in some way or form these contents have indirectly shaped how we think in our life. Their influence on us cannot be underestimated.
Take the advertisements on starting up a business on your own without having to work under a boss as an example, which has become one of the hottest things we see on the internet these days. With such an appealing proposition presented from the speakers to the viewers, how can one even resist not giving it a shot to get to know more?
But how many of them actually that gone through the courses, paid the fees to learn it and actually managed to persist through and become successful in executing what that has been taught in the courses? The fact is not many. The consistency is not there to keep the momentum going and persist through without seeing any result within 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, 2 years.
When we get to know ourselves better, we would be able to see things clearly which path would clearly much suitable for us. This is because when we get good at doing a certain activity, only then we would continue to enjoy working on the activity. To top it off, we would even put in more effort when we get more recognition for our works that we can perform.
When we look at it in a career perspective, we would only enjoy ourselves more in our job when we involve ourselves in the right type of role base on what we are good at doing. A lot of people who graduated from their study only to hate doing what they have learned from their university or college. Wouldn't it be better if they know what kind of roles or studies that they could excel in if they have known it better they started their university or even college study?
These days, there are so many people trying to imitate idols on Instagram or any other social media. Because of the glamour that is shown through Instagram like having private jets, sports cars and enjoyable luxury life, it has influenced them to follow the footsteps of their idols. Whether what they see is true is unknown, but these people who tried to follow their idols may not know that they have not equipped themselves with the necessary skills or whatever they want to imitate is something that they would be good at doing. They will try out and then give out halfway in the process because they find it hard to execute it. Soon after, they start to jump from one thing after another.
Same can be said when it comes down to relationship. There are people who mask themselves from who they truly are just so they would make themselves and their partner think that they are both aligned and are in sync with one another. There are cases where one party would make an effort that doesn't really match with what he or she truly is as a person in order to stick closely to his or her partner because he or she wants to be together with the partner. That is not to say wrong, in fact, it is a good thing as one would put in the effort to make things work. But we as a human are a creature of habits, when we have learned to stick to certain habits, it is hard for us to change it within a short period of time and sustain it for years to come unless the change comes from within. In the above cases mentioned, they are driven to change their habits just to suit their partner but how long can it last? I have encountered cases on these where either the boys or the girls would force themselves to behave like their partner who may be very purpose-driven or people-driven while they themselves are not behaving in the same way. Because they wish to be accepted by the person they are chasing after, they lose their own self and make-believe that they are at the same mindset as their partner. As time goes by, they start to goes back to their own nature and eventually feeling burned out and gave up on the relationship itself. When changes happen from within our own mindset it would shape and change our habit because it is a realization that happened within us. And that change would be more sustainable then change that we put ourselves in just so we could make-believe that we have transformed into someone better when internally we are still the same old person with the same old mindset.
With that said, when we know ourselves better we would be able to make a better decision, and at the same time learn to grow ourselves toward the direction that would ultimately make our life more fulfilled and satisfying.
Right now there are a lot of tools that could help us understand ourselves better, from personality tests to astrology especially BaZi or in the western country it is known as four pillars of destiny. In future posts, I will be delving into the BaZi astrology. If you are interested in knowing more about yourself and/or BaZi astrology, stay tuned for that.
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